Nowadays, foods that increase metabolism are in high demand! And the reason is simple. Increased metabolism can be helpful in your weight loss journey. Now, this is a fact that has been popularized in recent years among the masses.
So now, let’s start the post. But, hey, this “fact” has an underlying truth too. Read the whole post to learn about it!

List of foods that increase your metabolism –

#1 Green Tea – I think this is by far the most popular food that is connected to increased metabolism and weight loss due to a potent antioxidant found in this food called EGCG. But, did you know that other than increasing the metabolism of your body, this chemical can do wonders for your body too, like reducing inflammation, protecting against cellular damage caused by free radicals and many more!
#2 Coffee – Many tests have concluded that consuming coffee can raise your RMR (Resting metabolic rate) by 3-11% or more, depending on your consumption levels. Now the higher this RMR will be there in your body, the easier it would be for you to lose weight. However, this effect is more prevalent among lean people and less in the obese population.

#3 Broccoli – Now this is a food that not many many people like but this is kind of “super” food. This is because of the presence of glucoraphanin. A substance which can improve the metabolism of your body, decrease blood fat levels, reduce inflammation and whatnot.
#4 Eggs – This food may come as a surprise but as you know eggs are rich in proteins. And guess what, proteins can enhance your metabolism!! How? Because our body takes more energy to digest proteins in comparison to carbs or fats. This process creates an effect in our body which is called DIT (Diet-induced thermogenesis) that leads to increased metabolism.

#5 Red Chillies – Capsaicin, the chemical found in this food, which is responsible for giving the “Heat” in chillies is also helpful in many ways for our body. (Although, do note that it could cause diarrhoea, acid reflux and vomiting too if consumed inappropriately) Some benefits of this compound include –
- Anti-inflammatory qualities that promote heart health
- It is used as the main ingredient in many pain-relief medications
- Enhanced metabolism of the body by increasing oxygen consumption and body temperature, which results in more calories being burned after consumption
#6 Ginger – I think ginger is a popular food which many people believe can aid weight loss. Well, as I said before, this is because of its ability to improve our body metabolism. Well, this ability is present in ginger, mainly due to the presence of gingerols and shogaols. These compounds don’t directly cause weight loss but they do counter side effects of it like inflammation and oxidative stress and also help in maintaining blood sugar levels (something, which is key for losing weight). Now, these things will certainly help you in the weight loss journey.
#7 Flaxseed – Now, this one is a famous food too for weight loss experts. This is because, this food is rich in proteins, important fatty acids like Omega-3 and thermogenic compounds. All these things, can boost your metabolism and help in weight loss in other ways like making you feel “full” for a long time, enhancing digestion and decreasing inflammation.

#8 Oatmeal – Now this thing is loaded with soluble fiber. A kind of fiber that our body takes a lot of effort to digest. As a result, it requires more energy. Due to this, our body’s metabolism increases slightly. Apart from this, oats can also lower your cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart diseases.
#9 Lentils – Lentil is a big source of protein, especially in typical north Indian diets. And as I told you before, protein can increase your metabolism through DIT. Some studies have suggested that it can reduce the effects of metabolic syndrome too!
#10 Omega-3 rich fishes – Some examples of such fishes include salmon, tuna and catla. These fishes are also rich in proteins that contribute to an increase in metabolism. Also, according to this research, Omega 3 is said to have a positive effect on metabolism and boost fat oxidation in older women.
I think I’ve listed quite a few foods now that can help your metabolism. And I think you can find some of these on your own, as I’ve mentioned some criteria for finding such foods.
But, do you remember what I had said at the start of the post?
Well, don’t scroll now. I will repeat my statement.
” But, hey, this “fact” has an underlying truth too. “
So what’s this truth? Well, it could be a bit harsh for some. Especially those who thought, after reading the foods I’ve mentioned, that they are going to eat these foods and start losing weight.
The truth is that all these foods won’t increase your metabolism for a sustained period. These foods can increase your metabolism for a few hours after you’ve consumed them. But not the whole day or the whole week!
So, the bottom line here would be that don’t depend solely on these metabolism boosters for weight loss. You have to change a lot of things in order to achieve weight loss. Like your sleep cycle, your lifestyle, your eating time, your water consumption etc.
However, there are some ways by which you can increase your metabolism for a long time like –
- Strength training
- Getting appropriate sleep
- Drinking enough water