I want to lose weight!!
So this is a thought, everyone hits in their life. But many people don’t know the exact process and the science behind it. And also many people get some myths stuck in their head like ‘ Exercise is the only way ‘, ‘A magical juice will do the job’, ‘Doing plank exercise will get us abs’ , ‘Not eating Dinner will help’.

So what is the science behind it? First let me tell you that I am not a certified nutritionist but I bet it is very genuine as I have gone through this process and it worked for me safely. So let’s get started.
First I would like to familiar you with a term known as MAINTENANCE CALORIES. These are the amount of calories that if you will consume , you will neither lose weight nor gain it.
Thus in order to be losing weight you have to be in CALORIE DEFICIT,i.e, Consuming lesser calories than your Maintenance calories. Now that I have told you the science let’s see what should be our approach.
- Firstly, measure your maintenance calories.https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html. Click on the link to measure yours.
- Now download any calorie counting apps like My Fitness Pal etc. Now start counting your daily calories through it and start losing weight by firstly consuming 100 calories less from your maintenance calories. You can eat 1 less chapati which has around 100 calories.Now you will start losing weight .
- This will continue to happen till maybe a week or two and after that you will stop losing weight . Now,to continue losing that fat under your skin, you have to be in a 200 calorie deficit. You will again stop losing those pounds after some time.
- So to again trigger weight loss you should now start a cardio in which you burn 100 calories to be in a 300 calorie deficit . But let’s suppose you did a cardio of 200 calories rather than 100, in that case , you could eat 100 calories more and still be in 300 calories deficit.
- Continue to increase your cardio and add another 100 calories in the deficit .
If these steps are to be put more simply then, your weight loss journey would firstly start from reducing 1 ‘roti’ from your lunch which will lead to a 100 calorie-deficit. You would do this for 2-3 weeks or until you stop losing more weight. After this ‘stop’ or weight loss plateau, you would have to again reduce more 100 calories from your daily diet to be in a 200 calorie deficit. For doing this, you may either skip that ‘evening snack’ or start going for that morning walk for burning those 100 calories. After being in the 200 calorie deficit, you will again hit the weight loss plateau. And you have to again reduce 100 calories from your diet. For doing that, I highly suggest to make that morning walk a little longer or to make it a little more intense by walking faster than your average speed.
You would have reached your dream physique till you are in a 300-400 calorie deficit if you follow these steps. But wait there is more to know before starting. The following measures must be taken for safely losing weight.
- Cut your calories strictly and only from your carbohydrates
- Drink lots of water
- Get enough sleep
- If you have muscle and do not intend to lose it while losing weight then you should train every muscle group twice every week.
- You can see your daily nutrient goals with the help of My Fitness Pal.

Now you have all the knowledge for weight loss .
Good Luck for your journey!!!
Pls check out the below post to acknowledge yourself with the proper method to overcoming that ‘WEIGHT-LOSS PLATEAU” !!!