Have you ever thought that the time at which you eat your food aka meal timing affects your health? To your suprise, it does, and to a great extent.
And in India, some religions also take meal timing as an important topic, maybe due to some cultural belief or custom or maybe they really do know the scientific part behind this. And today, in this post we will see what are these “influences” our meal timing has towards our health,according to “modern day researches and science”, which makes it so important.
In case you don’t know what meal timing is, let me help you. It simply means that at which time you are consuming your food.

Now, let’s see what actually makes this meal timing such an important issue
Why is this timing important?
It is important not because of only one reason but many reasons put together. Here are these “reasons” –

- Higher metabolism in morning – See, the metabolism in our body is at its peak in the morning. So, in order to maintain such metabolism, you must consume food. In case you don’t know what do I mean by metabolism, just read this line written in one of this post by Harvard Health– “In simple terms, metabolism is the internal process by which your body expends energy and burns calories.” And this means that it will help in weight loss. To know more benefits of high metabolism, refer to this article.

- Detoxification at night – Our livers, which are one of the biggest organs in our body, are responsible for our bodies’s detoxification as we all know. But do you know that this organ of ours actually starts working when we are sleeping. So, if you don’t want to put presssure on your liver which nobody wants that! Don’t eat late night food otherwise your body will be the only one to suffer.
- To energize yourselves – I think this one is too obvious but still some people tend to underestimate this thing. Like, for example, if you plan to play football or any other sport or just a heavy jog in morning and you don’t eat any food before that, then my friend it will have several consequences like you may feel lightheaded, nauseous, or shaky. And I don’t think you would want that, so better eat at least some food for energy before your day-to-day activities.
- Weight loss – The aspect of “meal timing” has been recently linked with weight loss due to the emergence of a weight loss strategy known as “Intermittent fasting”, Now this is a whole new concept and basically, this involves fasting for long periods of time within a day before consuming your next meal. And to your suprise, this technique is now used by many of our favourite celebrities and sports-men as it has been proved as one of the best and effective techniques for weight loss. To know more about this method, you can refer to this article.
So now that you know the “many” reasons which make meal timing an important aspect of maintaing a good health figure, let’s see the timings suggested by experts to take our 3 meals of the day.
Basically, there should be at least 3-4 hours of gap between our meals but let’s see the specific hours suggested for taking our meals
Suggested “meal timings” –
Breakfast – We should take our breakfast as early as possible after you wake up, there’s no specific time for that. Although it is advised to eat your breakfast within two hours after waking up to avail the maximum benefits
Lunch – The best time to take your lunch is between 12 pm and 2 pm
Dinner – You must have your dinner at least 2 hours before (for good sleep) your bed-time and 4-5 hours after your lunch, so there is no specific time for this one also. Although experts always advise to have your dinner done till 8 pm or 8:30 pm.