Common myths about weight loss are things that are very important for people just starting their weight loss journeys. Because, if they follow these myths, chances are that they will either reverse their weight loss journey or just stop it.

So here are some myths which are accepted as facts by society on a large scale –
Eating only boiled foods and salad will lead to weight loss
This is I think one of the biggest myths about this weight loss or fitness domain. Though it’s not entirely a myth. If you eat such salads and boiled foods, you will remain in a calorie deficit and consequently, you will lose weight too!! BUT!! At what cost? By eating salads and boiled food only, you will deprive yourself of many nutrients a human body needs on average. Moreover, the kind of calorie deficit you’ll be in will be so extreme that it will have a detrimental effect on hormone function, lack of concentration, poor skin, hair, and nails.
So would you still be willing to lose weight by just eating salads and boiled food? No, right! And don’t think that you will not lose weight if you don’t eat such a diet. You can lose weight by even a simple calorie deficit of 100 or 200. Now a 100-200 calorie deficit can easily be achieved, due to which you lose weight easily too.
Just eat Greek yogurt and lose weight
Well, Greek yogurt is a nutritious food that is rich in proteins, vitamin B-12, etc. It is food which will make you feel full for a long time. Due to this you will consume lesser calories and will likely be in a deficit, causing weight loss. However, consuming Greek yogurt alone will not lead to weight loss. In fact, no food could cause weight loss on its own.
Diet coke has 0 calories, so it’s good for weight loss
This is a trap towards which many people fall. They think that no calories mean no weight gain. They neglect all its other properties like some of its harmful components like artificial sweeteners, phosphoric acid which can lead to an increased risk of diabetes and obesity. However, more research is to be done on this topic before any perfect explanation between the relation of 0-calorie coke and these effects. Check out this post to get more details!!
Fats make you gain weight
Well, it would seem obvious to us that, as fat has more calories per gram, it would make us fat. BUT…. one study showed that diets that are high in fat but low in carbs have been shown to cause weight loss. Moreover, when we do some changes in our diet, it is always advised to cut carbs as calories and not fats or protein.
In fact, healthy fats also have lots of benefits like improved cholesterol health, bone, and joint health, etc.
Burn calories, lose weight
Well, it is true in some cases. However, it is wrong for most. This is because you could burn calories in your workout, but you are highly likely to consume more calories to reward yourself with rich foods and large portions after exercising, according to research. As a result, people get out of their calorie deficit and don’t lose weight. If you can remain in a deficit even after your post-workout meals, then this Burn calories, lose weight is true.
I guess these are all the major common myths about weight loss. There are many others too in this list of myths. But I think that if you know the myths I discussed above, you will be quick to figure out whether the statements put forward to you regarding weight loss are myths or facts!!
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