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Is strength training necessary for weight loss?
This is a very very common question that comes up to a guy who has decided to lose weight. The...
Do almonds increase memory power?
We’ve all heard it, right? The age-old advice passed down from our elders, especially around exam...
Common myths about weight loss you should know!
Common myths about weight loss are things that are very important for people just starting their...
Why adults shouldn’t drink milk?
Adults shouldn’t drink milk??!!! But aren’t we taught from our childhood in school,...
Can we lose weight by drinking green tea?
“Lose weight by drinking green tea” is a common idea nowdays. It is used by many green...
No Pain No Gain-Myth or Fact?
No pain No gain has been a very powerful motto for a long time in gyms and many such fitness...
Should you stretch after workout or before ?
Strech after workout or before is a big question that hits many fitness enthusiasts before they...
Studying early in the morning is effective ??
Many of us have been led to believe that studying early in the morning is the key to academic...