This is a post for people who identify themselves as BONY, MUSCLELESS etc.
And I am pretty sure that you might have heard from someone that you just have to eat lots of calorie-dense foods like aloo parathas ,pav bhaji and what not. BUT here, I am going to tell you guys the perfect and scientific approach to increase weight.
So let’s start by informing you guys about a word known as ‘Maintenance Calories‘.
These are the amount of calories which ,if you will consume, will neither increase your weight nor decrease it.
https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html (Check out this link to know your maintenance calories)
So now that you would have known your maintenance calories, I am going to give simple steps on how to increase your weight-
- Out of your maintenance calories , you must start eating 100 calories extra to keep yourself in a calories surplus which will lead you to increase weight. And please for god’s sake only increase these 100 calories through extra carbs.
- After a week or two you will definitely gain weight up to 2-4 kilos. To further increase your weight ,start eating 200 calories extra out of your maintenance calories but then after it don’t increase your extra calories as it would then result into gaining fat , which nobody wants.
- And you will by doing these steps you will surely achieve your desired weight.

If you are here to read about increasing your weight just to gain muscle mass then WAIT!!
Let me tell you it’s just a myth that eating in a surplus is the only way to increase muscle mass. You CAN gain muscle mass also by just eating your maintenance calories. You just have to ensure that you are fulfilling your daily protein requirement and are training your each muscle group at least 2 times a week.
HOPE you got some valuable info!!
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