This is a thing which is probably the biggest problem a person faces while aspiring to lose weight and achieve his/her dream physique. Most of the people who reach this phase after losing a couple of kilos of weight get highly demotivated and then stop doing weight loss.
What exactly is ‘ weight loss plateau ‘ ?
Well , when you start to be in a calorie deficit for a long time, say a few weeks. Then you start to lose weight fast as a result of ‘newbie gains’. But after these ‘newbie gains’ comes a halt to your journey . And this halt is the point which we call as ‘weight loss plateau’. But now you might wonder that why the hell does this occur. Although there is no ‘perfect’ explanation to this, however there is one strong theory behind this phenomenon. This theory states that when we start losing weight for a pretty long period, our body gets used to our dietary practices and cardio so it starts decreasing its metabolism. As a result, we burn fewer calories and with our old dietary plan, we no longer tend to be in a calorie deficit and reach a weight loss plateau.
How to overcome weight loss plateau?
Now let’s discuss that how can we overcome this horror of weight loss aspirants. So as we know till now that the reason behind this halt in weight loss is because we no longer stay in a calorie deficit so as to further lose weight. In order to end this halt we need to again change our calorie intake and cardio sessions.
The 2 ways through which we can overcome this obstacle are-( You can do any of the two)
- DECREASE CALORIE INTAKE BY 100 CALORIES – If you want yourself again in that calorie deficit , then you must decrease your daily calorie intake (which you consumed earlier while starting to lose weight) by 100 calories to again start losing that little more fat left you have been yearning to remove.
- INCREASE CALORIES BURNED IN CARDIO (Recommended)- This is the best way to overcome you plateau. You just need to put an extra minutes to burn extra 100 or 200 calories in addition to your calories burned by your earlier cardio routine .
HOPE you got some valuable info from this post!!!!
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