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How to end Procrastination and start doing something?
See, we all have those end procrastination thoughts which we never act upon. And we all have those...
Why should we eat COMPLEX CARBS??
So for starters, what are actually “COMPLEX CARBS“?? So these are the carbohydrates...
Protected: What fasting does to you?
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How to cope with exam stress ?
A large percentage of students suffer from exam stress around the whole globe and end up doing very...
How to stay Stress free during EXAMS PREPARATION !!!!
A large percentage of students suffer from this situation and end up doing very bad in their tests....
‘Crunches gives us abs’ Myth busted
Myths Busted#1 You must be wondering that even after a week of intense abs workout routine,...
How to lose weight?
I want to lose weight!! So this is a thought, everyone hits in their life. But many people...