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How can almonds help in weight loss?
November 10, 2021
ALMONDS HELP IN WEIGHT LOSS ??!! Yes, those tiny food items that most of us try to...
Why fats are not bad ? (At least, not all of them)
November 3, 2021
Fats are not bad?!! I suppose you may be wondering right now what kind of a joke I...
Should we eat 6 or 3 meal a day ?
October 19, 2021
3 meal a day V/S 6 meal a day has been on the trend recently in the nutrition...
What is BMI (Body Mass Index)? And everything about it
October 12, 2021
Before the pandemic, a practice had started in my school where teachers asked...
Why you don’t really need 8 glasses of water everyday ?
October 5, 2021
Doesn’t it sound weird that we don’t really need 8 glasses of water? I...
Why is meal timing important?
September 28, 2021
Have you ever thought that the time at which you eat your food aka meal timing...
Are oats good for weight loss?
September 22, 2021
Nowadays, every other famous person who cares about his/her fitness or is trying for...
Is exercise necessary for weight loss ?
September 15, 2021
In this world of the Internet, many people usually have many misconceptions about...
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How to cope with exam stress ?
May 20, 2021
Protected: What fasting does to you?
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